In recent months, the phenomenon of large-scale “Off Load / Over Flow” has frequently occurred due to the continuous Blank Sailing / Vessel Rotation to reduce loading capacity by shipping alliances. Although such situations are impact an international shipping, most
Many Cross-Border E-commerce seller encounter detention and demurrage fees when their ocean shipments arrive at the destination port, but what do these two fees mean? How are they incurred? What are the differences between them? Today, We feel it's necessary
In international logistics transportation, all goods can be divided into three categories: ordinary goods, sensitive goods, and prohibited goods. Obviously, prohibited goods are not allowed to be shipped or transported. Ordinary goods and sensitive goods, which are most commonly involved
Many people have heard of shipping alliances, but few understand them well. Simply put, shipping alliances are cooperative alliances formed by shipping companies to adapt faster to market changes. The main role of an alliance is to help member shipping

What are the last mile truck delivery methods to Amazon warehouses?

In recent months, FBA last mile delivery in the United States has faced repeated issues. Amazon released new regulations for warehouse appointment bookings, and there was the incident where

The Four Cargo Release Methods in Sea Freight

International logistics is an indispensable step in foreign trade transactions. Among them, there are several cargo release methods for sea freight, each representing different risk factors. Understanding the common cargo release methods

The Cross-Border E-commerce becomes increasingly mature, Europe is imposing increasingly strict requirements on Cross-Border E-commerce for tax reporting. More and more Cross-Border E-commerce logistics service providers and sellers are beginning to caution that the compliance (both product and tax )

What is the difference between FBA, FBM and SFP?

For Amazon sellers, the option of shipping is crucial. Currently, there are three common shipping ways for Amazon sellers: FBA, FBM and SFP. Each has its pros and cons. Sellers should